Service Fees

Thanks to the generosity of our skilled volunteers, we're able to keep costs for services accessible.

Pricing for Services

We do charge for services, although we charge considerably less than what it costs us, even with the help of our many dedicated volunteers.


Individual Pricing

Individuals with a qualified print disability pay no more than the purchase price of the magazine or book, with a $5 minimum order. Please provide a receipt if possible. Rush orders may be done, as possible, at twice the usual price.


Organizational Pricing

If you are ordering on behalf of an organization, and not for personal use, the pricing is as follows.

Digital Audio Orders:

  • $12 per digital cartridge.
  • Projects: $35 per hour spent in our studio working on the project, with a minimum 1 hour fee.
  • Rush orders are twice the usual price.

Braille Orders:

  • Braille: $1 per braille page
  • Advanced braille (Math, Foreign Language): $1.25/page)
  • Braille with Tactile Graphics: $3.25 per braille page
  • Clear Adhesive Labels: $2 extra per sheet of labels + 10¢ per cut for trimming
  • Dual print and braille: 25¢ extra per braille/tactile page
  • Volume Binding: $3 per volume
  • There is a $5 minimum order
  • Discounts for reorders and other pricing can be found here

Help keep our services affordable for all.

Donate today!