ABLE’s Annual Volunteer Recognition and Benefit Luncheon is coming up fast! Please join us from 11:15 a.m to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at the Italian Conference Center to honor our ABLE volunteers, support our mission and meet some of ABLE’s student recipients. Register at Complimentary parking and wheelchair access. Details on our website. Sponsorships available!
This year’s luncheon will feature a presentation by Milwaukee Public School students who are blind or visually impaired, providing them with the opportunity to meet and thank the donors and volunteers who make it possible for them to receive classroom materials at the same time as their sighted peers. Our volunteers receiving awards this year are:
250 plus hours: Chris Hansen, Audio
250 plus hours: Ceri Hartnett, Audio
250 plus hours: Carol Hioki, Braille
250 plus hours: Susan Knorr, Audio
250 plus hours: Dale Kuehn, Braille
250 plus hours: Gregory Warner, Braille
1,000 plus hours: Janet Kiekhofer, Office
1,000 plus hours: Leonard Zaworski, Braille
2,500 plus hours: Cheryl Esquilin, Braille

Meet several of last year’s Volunteer Award recipients, pictured with 2018 Board President Harold Mester (far left). Next to Harold, left to right: Tony Szymborski – Braille Volunteer, Barbara Althoen – Braille Volunteer, Megan Hindman – Audio Volunteer, Tom Littelmann – Audio Volunteer, Janet Kiekhofer – Office Volunteer